
What is IT Health Check?

IT Health Check is a comprehensive review of a business’s IT systems and infrastructure to identify any issues that may affect performance, security, and compliance. IT Health Check can include hardware and software checks, security checks, network checks, and compliance checks. IT Health Check is essential for businesses of all sizes and industries to ensure the optimal performance and security of their IT systems.

Core Features of First Unity's IT Health Check

At First Unity, we offer a wide range of IT Health Check services to our clients, including:

The ability to identify any issues with hardware, such as servers, workstations, and other devices, that may affect performance and security.

The ability to identify any issues with software, such as operating systems, applications, and databases, that may affect performance and security.

The ability to identify any vulnerabilities or threats to IT systems and data, such as malware, viruses, hacking attempts, and unauthorized access.

The ability to identify any issues with network infrastructure, such as switches, routers, and firewalls, that may affect performance and security.

  • The ability to ensure that IT systems and data comply with relevant regulations and standards, such as GDPR, ISO, and PCI DSS.

How Can First Unity Help Your Business with IT Health Check?

At First Unity, we understand that every business has unique needs and goals, and we tailor our IT Health Check services to meet those needs and goals. Here are some ways we can help your business with IT Health Check:

By conducting regular IT Health Checks, we can help your business identify and resolve any issues that may affect performance, security, and compliance.

By implementing best practices and standards, we can help your business improve the performance and security of its IT systems and infrastructure.

By ensuring that your IT systems and data comply with relevant regulations and standards, we can help your business avoid any potential legal or financial consequences.

By providing proactive and comprehensive IT Health Check services, we can help your business have peace of mind knowing that its IT systems and infrastructure are in good hands.

If you need reliable and comprehensive IT Health Check services for your business, contact First Unity today and see how we can help you ensure the optimal performance and security of your IT systems.

Pricing Plan

Standard Tier


per Month
  • IT User Support
  • System Monitoring
  • Basic Cybersecurity Protection
  • Support Availability: Business hours

Professional Tier


per Month
  • IT User Support
  • System Monitoring
  • Weekly Health Check
  • Disaster Recovery Support
  • Advanced Cybersecurity Protection
  • Support Availability: Extended Business + Weekend Support
Enterprise Tier


per Month
  • IT User Support
  • System Monitoring
  • Weekly Health Check
  • Disaster Recovery Support
  • Dedicated IT Specialist
  • Premium Cybersecurity Protection
  • Support Availability: 24/7 IT User Support with Priority Response Time

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