Microsoft Excel’s New Functions for Data Aggregation: Simplifying Data Organization

Introduction: Microsoft Excel, one of the most popular spreadsheet software applications, has introduced new functions for data aggregation that aim to streamline the process of collecting and organizing data into compact summaries or tables. In this blog post, we will explore the recently added GROUPBY, PIVOTBY, and PERCENTOF functions in Excel, their benefits, and how […]

Microsoft Legacy Account Hacked by Russian APT: The Importance of Multi-Factor Authentication

Introduction: In a recent cyber attack, Microsoft’s legacy test tenant account fell victim to a sophisticated hacking operation conducted by a Russian Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) group. The breach, attributed to the notorious Russian nation-state actor known as Midnight Blizzard or APT29, revealed a critical security oversight: the compromised account did not have multi-factor authentication […]

Chrome’s New AI Tool: A White-Collar’s Perspective –

Google’s recent update to Chrome introduces an experimental generative AI tool called “Help me write,” significantly streamlining the writing process for users. This AI tool utilizes the Gemini AI model to understand the content of the webpage you’re browsing and generate tailored suggestions. The Impact on White-Collar Professionals: For professionals in fields like sales, marketing, […]

AI-Powered Scams Rampage Through Hong Kong: An Engineer’s Cautionary Tale

As an experienced engineer in Hong Kong, I’ve witnessed firsthand the debilitating impact of technology on society, particularly the insidious nature of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Recently, the Hong Kong Computer Security Incident Response Team (HKCERT) unveiled staggering data that paints a grim picture of the rising tide of AI-driven scamming activities in the region. The […]

Get Ahead of the Curve: How AI is Transforming Hong Kong’s Job Market and Creating High-Paying IT Opportunities

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) is set to bring about a new wave of job opportunities in Hong Kong, with professionals in the information technology field having a competitive edge. According to Robert Sheffield, CEO of Morgan McKinley Greater China (Hong Kong and China), AI technology is creating new positions and adding new skill […]


根據Morgan McKinley嘅報告,76%嘅香港科技招聘經理喺2023年表示招聘競爭「非常」或「相當」激烈。而2024年嘅報告指出,主要嘅招聘挑戰包括技術人才短缺(25%)、薪酬同福利競爭困難(22%),同埋新職位核准唔足(19%)。 儘管咁樣,50%嘅科技招聘經理會喺2024年上半年增加人員,而46%嘅科技工作者則喺同一時期尋求新職位,另有31%考慮轉職。 香港目前需求量大嘅科技職位包括Java程式設計師、雲工程師、數據架構師同埋數據科學家,而熱門技能包括Python、網絡安全、Kafka同埋SQL。 科技專業人士最重視嘅五大福利 科技專業人士最重視嘅福利包括: 辦公室同遠程工作嘅平衡 調查顯示,42%嘅科技專業人士希望每週喺辦公室工作1-2日,而只有8%希望每週喺辦公室工作5日。 同時,53%嘅人表示,如果可以獲得所需嘅彈性,佢哋寧願放棄加薪。 除此之外,69%嘅僱主預計某啲難以填補嘅科技職位嘅薪酬會提高,另有20%計劃為所有科技團隊提高薪酬。 呢啲數據為我哋提供咗一個深入了解香港科技行業嘅視角,亦都為我哋嘅科技專業人士提供咗更好嘅工作體驗。


🔍 事件簡述: 近日,香港發生一宗驚人的案件:某公司竟被以Deepfake技術偽裝成英國總部財務總監的詐騙份子,透過視訊會議,成功騙走高達2億港元(約台幣8億元)。 🕵️ 警方調查: 一名跨國金融公司的香港分行職員在1月中收到一則訊息,聲稱是英國總部財務總監發來的。訊息要求進行機密交易並進行視訊通話,會議上有4至6人,而且這些人的臉龐竟然和真正的總監一模一樣。職員毫無猶疑地按照指示,分15次將2億港元匯款至五個本地銀行帳戶。直到後來查證,才發現自己中了詐騙的圈套。 🌐 Deepfake猖獗: 這是香港首宗Deepfake視訊會議騙局,也是AI詐騙案件損失金額最高的一宗。警方指出,歹徒可能事先下載影片,再利用AI技術製作出逼真的偽造影片。以前的「單人對單人」詐騙案已經進化成參與人數更多的視訊會議,可信度倍增。 🌏 全球警惕: 除了香港,Deepfake問題在其他地區也屢見不鮮。美國議院兩黨最近合作立法,容許未經同意的受害者向法律追討因AI生成色情Deepfake內容所受的損失。印度演員Rashmika Mandanna最近也遭受Deepfake偽造影片的困擾,政府發出警告,社群媒體平台需對用戶分享的Deepfake內容負責,36小時內需刪除違規內容。 🔒 保護自己: 作為用戶,我們應該保持警惕,不輕易相信視訊會議中的身份,特別是在金錢交易等重要場合。AI技術的進步,讓我們更需要保持警惕,以免成為Deepfake的下一個受害者。